Amplify Your Results Without Hormones
If you’re over 30 and noticing a gradual thinning of your hair, you’re probably seeing the beginnings of age-related hair loss due to reduced blood flow through the scalp. It happens. We can’t be young forever. As we age, the typical person looses up to 4% of the blood flow through the scalp. This causes the hair growth cycle to become shorter over time leading to thinning.
Now you can reverse that effect with a topical, hormone-free product that visibly increases blood flow. By boosting oxygenation, nutrient delivery, and cellular waste removal, Loesch® Extra-Strength Scalp Activator brings back your youthful appearance.
This product causes markedly increased blood flow to the scalp delivering oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the follicles resulting in accelerated hair growth. May turn the scalp pink for 20-40 minutes, but lasts 12 hours to encourage dormant follicles to become active again. Use twice each day for maximum benefit. Your scalp may not turn pink but if you put a drop anywhere else on your skin and it turns pink, the product is working properly.
INGREDIENTS: Purified Water, Isopropyl Alcohol, Methyl Nicotinate.